Sally Bend

Reader, Reviewer, and Editor | Nonbinary | Neurodivergent | FLR Princess

Book Review: Seeing is Deceiving by Ghostly Writer (masking, crossdressing)


TitleSeeing is Deceiving
Author: Ghostly Writer
Publication Date: Jan 22, 2023
Genres: Erotica
Protagonist Gender: Male

If you’re new to the idea of female masking, then I invite you to check out my series of book reviews on the topic, along with my feature article in the Feb/Mar 2015 issue of Frock Magazine. Not that you need any background – you can jump right into any of these stories and enjoy yourself – but the more you understand something the better you can appreciate it.

Seeing is Deceiving is the long-awaited (10 years!) sequel to Practice to Deceive by Ghostly Writer. It’s definitely worth picking up that first book before reading this – even I got a little confused in the opening chapters – but not essential. You’ll quickly get a sense of what female masking is, how and why Billy chooses to explore it, and who all the players are . . . and, before long, you’ll be drawn into this erotic drama of impersonation and identities.

Billy is a master of impersonation. His mask is the centerpiece of the novel, a lifelike recreation of his mother’s face, right down to the laugh lines, dimples, freckles, and more. It’s the fantasy of Hollywood-quality prosthetic effects at home, a mask that fits perfectly, looks completely real, and moves naturally. It’s not just about the mask, however, or even the fantasy of crossdressing that began his journey – it’s about recreating someone and ‘becoming’ them. Billy has studied his mother to the point where he can mimic her movements and speech so well, he can even fool her best friends in intimate situations.

Minor spoiler for the first book here, but what makes this volume so fascinating is the fact that we’re already beyond the discovery stage. His mother knows, she’s accepted it, but she has her own ideas about what his female masking future should look like. So, with the dramatic reveal already behind us, how do you up the stakes? You expose him to more people, introduce more masks, put them on more people, take all of this public (very public) and weave a complex web of overlapping impersonations.

Seeing is Deceiving is like a popcorn thriller where you’re constantly wondering what’s going to happen next, questioning who is really who, and just waiting for the next complication to arise. It’s a guilty pleasure of emotional entanglement, and it only gets wilder as it progresses. However, it’s also a deeply thoughtful story of why we like to play a role, the appeal of stepping into someone else’s life, how walking a mile in another’s heels can change us, and how such lies can impact those around us. The story gets rather convoluted in the latter chapters as too many things go too far, as promises are broken and desires indulged, and Ghostly Writer doesn’t shy away from the consequences.

The exploration here feels a little less taboo with the introduction of more characters, not to mention Billy’s impersonation being given a purpose, but that doesn’t make it any less thrilling. It’s humorous, erotic, insightful, and perhaps a little creepy at times, but the vicarious thrill of being Billy being someone else is wonderful. Settle in, turn the page, and enjoy being deceived!

Rating: ♀ ♀ ♀ ♀ 

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About Sally

Sally Bend is a nonbinary author, editor, and reviewer. Although shy and polite (she is, after all, Canadian), she loves to boldly and boisterously express herself through stories that bend the binaries of gender while exploring submissive sexuality.


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