Sally Bend

Reader, Reviewer, and Editor | Nonbinary | Neurodivergent | FLR Princess

New Subscription Option:

Good morning, all!

With the promised end to Google’s Feedburner feed management service having finally come, you may have noticed an interruption in your emails (if you’ve been a subscriber). That’s my fault for not being more proactive on addressing it, but I’ve moved things over to and imported all my subscribers, so we should be back in business.

If you’re not already subscribing, now is a great time to pop your email in the Get new posts by email box you’ll see at the top of the sidebar. Then you never have to worry about missing a post!

And, if you’re already a subscriber, offers some cool new features that Feedburner didn’t, like being able to define filters and delivery channels, so it’s worth checking out.

Thanks so much for your continued support, and my apologies for the hiccup. 

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About Sally

Sally Bend is a nonbinary author, editor, and reviewer. Although shy and polite (she is, after all, Canadian), she loves to boldly and boisterously express herself through stories that bend the binaries of gender while exploring submissive sexuality.


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