Sally Bend

Reader, Reviewer, and Editor | Nonbinary | Neurodivergent | FLR Princess

Fourplay Fetish Feature: An Interview with The Reducer (GTS femdom erotica)

Welcome to the latest installment of the Fourplay Fetish Feature, which sees us dedicate 4 days to showcasing an author, a topic, or a fetish that has excited me. This time out we are indulging in the erotic world of giantesses and shrunken men/women.

Kicking off our second week, I am delighted to introduce you to The Reducer, who has graciously agreed to stop by for a chat.

♥ Thank you so much for taking the time to join us – we are so very delighted to have you! For those readers who have yet to encounter your work, can you give us a brief introduction?

I started writing back in the mid-1990s when I was on the original Shrunken Woman Forum after the moderator issued a challenge for more content.  I tried my hand at photo manipulation with free software but felt that it told a frame from a story.  So I stuck with writing.  I usually write gentle stories which could be called love stories if you like. Outside of the this, I’m presently a cab driver in a northern Worcester County city in Massachusetts.

♥ How did you first get exposed to the macro/micro world? Were there old memories of sci-fi movies or cartoons that you fetishized, or was your introduction more direct?

First exposure would have to be seeing Captain Sinbad (1963) starring Guy Williams (the father in Lost In Space TV series).  The heroine was turned back from a bird but was still bird size when the villain picked her up to hold her in his hand in front of his face.  I thought that would be so cool to be able to do it.  After that, Saturdays was hoping the Creature Double Feature would be playing something along those lines with tiny people.  We didn’t have the Internet was around I was young so we relied on the TV Guide or promos for the next weeks until you found out the name of the movie or show.

♥ For some readers, the appeal seems to be in the size contrast itself. For others, it is in the power exchange. Some look to the genre for arousal, some for horror, and others for both. What is the primary appeal for you, as an author?

I have to write about what I like and I like the idea of someone in need in for them a new world because their old one has grown around them.  Taking someone and having them needing to have help to get through their life with a hope that maybe they can get back to normal….maybe.  🙂  There are elements of arousal I like with the ideas of tackling something that you could handle with one hand before now having to use your entire body or being controlled by one finger with each touch sending almost over the edge.

♥ Since we’re talking the imaginative side of erotica, is there a personal fetish or a fantasy that you have yet to explore? Somewhere, maybe, you fear to go in your stories?

I think I’ve explored most of my fantasies or fetishes based on this.  But I learn of new ones with chatting online with people from all over the world.  Some ideas as along the lines of mine and others are out there that I never really knew or tried them.  I would role play some of them out with the ladies on chats and see where it leads us.

♥ With reviews so crucial to generating exposure, what are some of the weirdest or most wonderful reactions you’ve had from readers?

When I would post to the forums I would glance to see what people were saying about the stories but just shrug with the negative stuff.  You can’t please everyone’s niche when you’re writing some stories.  But reactions I loved the most were the ones I would get from the female readers that might see me in chats or via direct messages.  “The story made me wet.”  Job done!”  Even better than that was recent when I first went to Size Con at New York City in 2017.  I went as a goer just to meet longtime friends from all the forums, chats and such.  I had happened to speak up during a panel about an experience I had with a “commission”.  After that panel, I had people coming up to me and telling me face to face how much they loved my stories and some of the writers that were there told me that mine were some of the first stories they read.  So I kind of take blame for some of the new crop of writers.  🙂

♥ Is there an author within the genre who inspires you? A mentor, perhaps, or even just a friend you love to read?

I’m going to throw out some names from the past that isn’t with us in the writing sense.  Shrinker One wrote the first story I’ve ever read that was shrunken erotica.  Sally Reynolds (Forth) was another that we would go back and forth telling each other that our story wasn’t good but the others were better.  She still does stories but in CGI pictures.  Then there was Greenplante.  I do miss their stories.

As from the group I read and know now, Anoka-Kon (G/t writer), Scirdram, Cezar Nix, The Minimizer, Miss Kaneda, and Taedis.  They’re all great writers and very proud to have sat with them on the writer’s panel in 2018.

♥ Finally, before we let you go, what can readers look forward to seeing from you next?

I have one story in the works which I took help from people of various social media sites.  I’ve taken to making sure the story is complete before posting anything.  But also working to get more things published on Amazon both in digital and print.

I’ll be at Size Con (Twitter – @nycsizecon to get dates and location) health willing and I’ll have a collection of stories in book form for readers.  After Size Con it will be on Amazon for those who can’t go.

I want to thank all those who read my stories over the years and enjoyed them.  And I want to thank the others that were the writers’ panels the last two years for inspiring me to get back into writing again & for support with moving into new media.

♥ Thanks so much for stopping by – looking forward to sharing some reviews this afternoon!

About The Reducer: A longtime contributor to the Size Community at the various forums & chat areas. I started writing shrunken women stories back in the mid-1990’s when on the original Shrunken Women forum the moderator challenge us to make content. I took up writing a story and it was well received by the other forum members. I kept writing off and on during all the years since and have posted on many of the shrunken women or giantess forums around the Net. I chose the name I write under as I was watching an episode of Doctor Who. The Doctor…The Reducer. Pretty much describes what I write about.


  1. Thanks for the interview. I enjoyed and it was great talking with you.


  2. Thanks for the interview. I enjoyed and it was great talking with you.


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About Sally

Sally Bend is a nonbinary author, editor, and reviewer. Although shy and polite (she is, after all, Canadian), she loves to boldly and boisterously express herself through stories that bend the binaries of gender while exploring submissive sexuality.


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