Sally Bend

Reader, Reviewer, and Editor | Nonbinary | Neurodivergent | FLR Princess

New Google Terms of Service and Where to Follow Us (just in case)

UPDATE (Mar 5): Much to everybody’s shock, surprise, and awe, Google has backed away from its threat. What I love about this is the fact that they changed their mind based on the “negative impact this could have on individuals who post sexually explicit content to express their identities.” 🙂

Google announced a significant change in their terms of service this week that directly impacts all blogs hosted on its blogger platform.

Basically, they’re changing their terms so that “sexual content” is no longer allowed. 

From what I’ve read of the full announcement, this seems to be primarily aimed at blogs with explicit photos, videos, and stories. Since we only post published book covers, and reviews that pass the Amazon censorship test, I’m assuming (hoping?) we won’t be impacted.

Then again, who knows how far this might go, or how loosely they may interpret their own terms of service.

Samuel, Bobbi, and I will keep on blogging and reviewing here for as long as Google continues to make us welcome. Like I said, I hope this change won’t impact us, and we’re going to be cautiously optimistic.

In the event that something does happen, though, odds are very good that it will be immediate and without warning.

So, just in case, we invite you to follow us (and our reviews) wherever we are:





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About Sally

Sally Bend is a nonbinary author, editor, and reviewer. Although shy and polite (she is, after all, Canadian), she loves to boldly and boisterously express herself through stories that bend the binaries of gender while exploring submissive sexuality.


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