Sally Bend

Reader, Reviewer, and Editor | Nonbinary | Neurodivergent | FLR Princess

Pegging Mayor Pigman of Hogtown by Lexi Wood

While I am sure Pegging Mayor Pigman of Hogtown does indeed have absolutely nothing to do with a certain infamous Canadian mayor, it is fun to consider the possibility. It’s an odd sort of tale that Lexi Wood weaves here, largely satiric, but wavering between slapstick and cruelty. The kidnapping scene itself is quite funny, with just about everything that could go wrong doing just that, and the mayor himself completely oblivious to what’s really happening.

I didn’t really care for the awkward sort of forced feminization (humiliation is okay, if done right, but cruelty doesn’t push my buttons), but the actual pegging was exceptionally well done. It’s both comic and sexy, particularly in the way in which the women find that their chosen dildos present no problem for his loose, fatty, sloppy orifice. I laughed out loud as that scene went so wrong, and while there’s no doubt the mayor deserves it, you actually come to feel a little bit sorry for him.

It’s a nonsense bit of femdom fluff, with some commentary about racism or sexism, but no real deep political insights . . . and that’s ok. Enjoy it for what it is, but be warned that it may put you off bacon (particularly the fatty stuff) for a while.

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About Sally

Sally Bend is a nonbinary author, editor, and reviewer. Although shy and polite (she is, after all, Canadian), she loves to boldly and boisterously express herself through stories that bend the binaries of gender while exploring submissive sexuality.


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