Sally Bend

Reader, Reviewer, and Editor | Nonbinary | Neurodivergent | FLR Princess

Hops, Follows, and Tag Alongs, Oh My!

It’s time for another Book Blogger Hop, courtesy of Crazy for Books!

Book Blogger Hop

This week’s question is:

“What is your favorite book cover?”

Kushiel's DartThe Fairy Godmother (Tales of the Five Hundred Kingdoms)Hmm, that’s a tough one. Over the years, I’ve fallen in love with literally hundreds of book covers, some of them deliciously dark, others wonderfully fantastic, and yet others satisfyingly minimalist. All of the 500 Kingdoms titles by Mercedes Lackey have absolutely beautiful fairy tale covers. These are must-haves on my shelf. I also love the covers for Jacqueline Carey’s work, particularly the first Kushiel tale.

It’s also time for the Friday Follow, courtesy of Parajunkee’s View!

Finally, the 18 & Over Book Blogger Tag Along is courtesy of Bitten by Paranormal Romance!

This week’s question is:

Do you have a recent hot m/f/m read? If not just tell us another hot read.

I’m going to have to go with Use Your Illusion . . . short, but very hot.

Hop around to some new blogs, tag along with some new friends, and find some great new reviews to follow. I always find something new to delight me!

7 responses to “Hops, Follows, and Tag Alongs, Oh My!”

  1. Oooh, the Mercedes Lackey cover is very 'magical' I can see why you chose that!Thanks for visiting me. It's good to meet you 🙂


  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! The Mercedes Lackey cover has beautiful colours. Hope you have a great weekend 🙂


  3. Hello,Happy Friday! I'm stopping by for the Tag Along and Follow Friday to say hello. Thanks for the book recommendation. Have a great weekend!I'm already a follower.Romance Book Junkies


  4. This week's Book Blogger Hop question WAS a tough one! It took me two solid minutes to come up with an answer!Which book cover did I pick? I invite you to hop over to my blog and see for yourself.Happy Thanksgiving Day Weekend!Howard Sherman


  5. I love Jaqueline Carey's covers as well! Thanks for stopping by my blog 😀


  6. Thanks for hopping by my blog!New Follower 🙂


  7. Hey hun, I'm a little late but it's been a crazy weekend. Hoppin on by on the 18+. I will have to check that book out. Have a good week!


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About Sally

Sally Bend is a nonbinary author, editor, and reviewer. Although shy and polite (she is, after all, Canadian), she loves to boldly and boisterously express herself through stories that bend the binaries of gender while exploring submissive sexuality.


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